Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Man overboard but never over bored

 Well what a month that was. Busy, busy, busy...

Panto first draft done and feedback very positive. 3 versions to create for performances in Nov/Dec.

I made a good attempt at drowning and looking a right numpty. Note to self: White water rafting does tend to be more enjoyable above the water. Smashed my hip on the man-made boulders, got tangled up in the rescue rope, nearly garroted a young lady in a kayak as the tension tightened (in more ways than one). But all good fun and no broken bones. be the place to check it out.

Had my first deep muscle sports massage this morning, since the incident. No mercy shown. I can best describe it by reminding you all of the scene in Alien when the eponymous monster burst forth from John Hurt's (and it certainly did) chest.

Re-working the last chapter of 'Spector's Revenge',and the rest is with the new proof reader. The first book had a few errors, so if you've got a copy hold on to it as only genuine first editions will have them. Could be a collector's item of the future.

Over the next couple of weeks I shall be working with the talented writer/photographer and short film maker Mr Lance Eggleton and turning a humorous rhyme about an inept Olympic athlete into a short comedy's what youtube was invented for. Recent performances of the work went down extremely well so let's see if we can get thousands of likes when the images are added and it goes live. 

Catch up soon people.