Saturday, 24 November 2012


Hi all

My first and second performance as Santa is over in my Pantomime 'Santa Get's the Sack'. It was nerve wrecking and satisfying in equal quantities. Saw one of the bravest performances ever, from our robot. She was shaking like a leaf before, during and after the performances. Stuck it out for the team. great effort Claire. Dialogue next for you.
More performances demanded for the adult/staff version and all for a good cause too. Very proud here people, an attack of the Cheshire Cat :o). OAPs charity performance to go nearer Xmas to finish off a great year.
Copies of 'Spectre Antiques' & 'Spector's Revenge' flying off the shelves too which will help get them to screen. Hopefully 2014 will be a bumper year for Lurvey.
Spent time in mid wales at the Metropole Hotel Llandrindod Wells. Pampered in the spa and enjoyed the six course taster menu. The lamb main course was the pick of a very tasty six courses.
'Le Chauffeur' adult horror is the next project, under the pen name of Stefan Yevrul. A chance to vent some anger and hatred in a positive way :o)
All looks good for 2013 and beyond. For those feeling down, keep going my friends because you never know when things will turn in your favour.

Happy Days!

The Lurv

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Busy, busy, busy...

Hi all
You must have thought I'd lost my PC. It's been a while.
A tough quarter of a year. The new book, the sequel to 'Spectre Antiques', has been released. It's a pacier read than the the first and quite a bit crazier. 'Spector's Revenge' be its title LINK. Work on the 3rd episode in the series will begin after Jan 2013.
Before then its time for the pantomime ('what I wrote') 'Santa Get's the Sack'. A minimum of 3 performances before Xmas. Rehearsals began 4 weeks ago.
Prior to completing some projects and starting others I took time to spectate at a few sporting events at the Millennium Stadium. Team GBs game in the Olympic football quarter-final was fantastic. The atmosphere and noise was incredible. Wrong result, especially as I already had tickets for the Bronze Medal match. But the Japanese and South Korean supporters made a decent noise for that game.
Took in the Speedway Grand Prix too. Another great atmosphere and the noise of the bikes was matched by the air horns in their thousands. If you've not been before, try it out next year, well worth experiencing.
I hope to have some news about taking the books to screen next blog. Lots to learn about turning text into a performance. Early rehearsals with the pantomime troupe have already taught me a lot about using the stage, props and delivery.It's not just hamming it up...but you do have to do that too.
But I'll finish on a sporting note:
We have all enjoyed great sporting achievements at the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, the Tour de France and just last week with the Ryder Cup team. Congratulations to them all.
Sometimes, however, we are reminded of the price sportsmen and women pay in their pursuit of trophies, medals or just pure love for their chosen sport. Best wishes go to Jason Howells of Neath RFC, after his most serious of neck injuries. Good luck for the best possible news after tomorrow's MRI scan.
Take care all


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Man overboard but never over bored

 Well what a month that was. Busy, busy, busy...

Panto first draft done and feedback very positive. 3 versions to create for performances in Nov/Dec.

I made a good attempt at drowning and looking a right numpty. Note to self: White water rafting does tend to be more enjoyable above the water. Smashed my hip on the man-made boulders, got tangled up in the rescue rope, nearly garroted a young lady in a kayak as the tension tightened (in more ways than one). But all good fun and no broken bones. be the place to check it out.

Had my first deep muscle sports massage this morning, since the incident. No mercy shown. I can best describe it by reminding you all of the scene in Alien when the eponymous monster burst forth from John Hurt's (and it certainly did) chest.

Re-working the last chapter of 'Spector's Revenge',and the rest is with the new proof reader. The first book had a few errors, so if you've got a copy hold on to it as only genuine first editions will have them. Could be a collector's item of the future.

Over the next couple of weeks I shall be working with the talented writer/photographer and short film maker Mr Lance Eggleton and turning a humorous rhyme about an inept Olympic athlete into a short comedy's what youtube was invented for. Recent performances of the work went down extremely well so let's see if we can get thousands of likes when the images are added and it goes live. 

Catch up soon people.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

I'm stomach will be along in a few seconds

 Went to Oakwood Park in Pembrokeshire, South Wales as part of a weekend break. Took a trip on 'SPEED'. To share the experience try:

Also tried out 'Megaphobia', which is not a nearby small welsh village but another ride at the theme park:

A great day out without the crowds and long queues. If you've never been before it's worth checking out. Lovely Welsh coastline very nearby and plenty of beautiful walks and cycle routes too.

Relaxed now after several weeks of intense mental strain after probably taking on tooooooo many projects at once. A lesson to be learned, and painfully. But, hey-ho, life goes on. 'Back on the horse' this week reading aloud 'Spector's Revenge'. It's the best way to check the length of sentences and what doesn't make clear sense. I've needed the lungs of a pearl diver before now to complete a sentence. Needless to say a full stop or two were added after the read through. Editing should be fun...NOT!!!!

Premier League final weekend coming up. I've got the fingers and everything else crossed for United to win it. City are favorites and after beating us home and away you can't complain if they win it.

I hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend. But if you ended up DIY-ing or overdosing on the TV then check out the links above and get some virtual fresh air.

Take care all

Friday, 13 April 2012

Nice relaxing week off...NOT!

Everyone stuffed on Easter chocs I expect?
Decided to take advantage of the Bank Holidays and stretch it out for 11 days in a row off from the day job. A good chance to get a pile of work done for the original pantomime (original should not be taken as meaning rubbish) and an original stage play (as before). Both are co-written with some very talented members of the IPO/ONS Writing Group. It'll be great to see both being performed on stage within the next 12 months. Too many ideas and not enough time at the moment...better that way round though.
My first grandchild's dedication tomorrow to look forward to. I'm in charge of a video camera by the sounds of it. It could be dreadful, but will certainly be creative. A good editor may be called for as well as a PG rating, as some of the scans across the congregation could frighten small children. We don't want this thing looking like a Dr Who convention so paper bags may be issued upon arrival...and thank god I'm behind the camera.
Right then, that's my holiday over, time to get back to the scripts.
Have a great weekend people.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Anyone for Panto!

Hi all
So far in 2012 there's a novel to finish and publish in May (was March, then April...), TV sketches to write, a theatre drama and the latest project...a pantomime...'oh no it isn't!'...oh yes it is. Might end up in a costume and being terrorised and bullied by under 10s too! And no, I'm not going to be the pantomime dame. All exciting stuff though.
Off to see 'An Inspector Calls' tomorrow night in Cardiff. Research...and pleasure, as I'm sure there'll be an ice cold beverage or two to help cope with the hot weather. Only had one day with alcohol in March so far...well, t'was a Grand Slam winning day so it had to be done.
Before the theatre trip it's off to Castell Coch: research for the sequel to 'Spectre Antiques' that contains many incidents at, and images of iconic locations in the Newport and Cardiff area. Need to complete the editing process in the next couple of weeks to get it available via Amazon by mid-late May, earlier if possible.
Enjoy the sun, make the most of it, we all know what happens when it's supposed to be Summer.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

I'm Back

Hi all
You must have thought I'd departed the earth.
2012 has been hectic so far. Invitations to write a number of sketches for a TV pilot; speeches to make in the Welsh capital; the sequel to 'Spectre Antiques' to edit; a pantomime to co-write, a play to co-write; an illustrated collection of short stories involving Aivis the Burvis to complete too this year.
The biggest and most important moment was the birth of my first grandson, Jacob Stephen (what a great middle name). The very proud family are all doing well.
My first speech for many a year yesterday in Cardiff - and didn't it show. All part of the development process but nonetheless terrifying. I got through it and signed a few copies of 'Spectre Antiques' too. The PCS Union and their adult education support have played a large part in my success in 2011 and so it was nice to give something back and hopefully inspire a new novelist to come through from the creative writing courses this year.
I'm hoping that enough will happen from now on to need two Blog posts per month to be posted.
South Wales Scorpions had a tough away test in the Co-OpChampionship 1 first match but came away with a victory. A good start at home this weekend will get us all excited about gaining promotion this season. There are certainly lots of tries to look forward to, for sure, I've yet to see a game where less than 60 points were scored in the match.
I'll catch up again soon. But I'll finish today by wishing our proud boys the very best of luck against the French at the Millennium stadium this Saturday. A 3rd Grand Slam in seven years would be an amazing achievement. And this team are still developing.
The future's looking bright...the future is Welsh Red.
Best wishes