Hi all
My first book signing for 'Spectre Antiques' took place last week at the ONS/IPO offices in Newport, in aid of charity. Things could not have gone much better - £500 was raised for the Swansea Valley Miners Appeal Fund www.minersappealfund.org/ .
Many thanks to friends and staff from both organisations for their support. A very big 'thank you' to Tessa, Pam and Janette - without whom it could have all gone base over apex (A over T).
The book is spreading well all over the world. Somehow http://www.amazon.co.jp/Spectre-Antiques-Stephen-Lurvey/dp/1456796844/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320614637&sr=8-1 has managed to translate 'Pants-y-Vesty' into Japanese. Don't know which bit of the synopsis it is but it's there somewhere.
Soon be there in Waterstones window - still waiting on the date.
The sequel is in development. 'Spector's Revenge' is due to be published in March 2012. Better stop blogging and get writing :o)
Exciting times ahead people.
Keep in touch